Thursday, September 14, 2017

Chocolate Hills

Chocolate Hills are one of Philippines’ most treasured tourist attractions. The symmetrical range of hills stand majestically, stretching to the horizon.

Many first time visitors are appalled by the choice name of these range of hills. Interestingly, the name was settled on following the presence of the characteristic green vegetation that changes its appearance to a fancy chocolate brown colour during summer.

The hills, totalling more than 1200, are thought to have been formed as the result of erosion and deposition of corals following heavy rainfall. This, however, is yet to be affirmed, so folklore has it that the hills are the result of the tears of a disappointed mythical creature.

The expansive hills straddle three expansive municipalities, so it is impractical to visit all the hills. The touristiest location, however, is the Chocolate Hills main viewpoint, a spectacular location 2.5 miles from Carmen. From this point, you can take a motorbike to the top of the hills from where you can get panoramic views.

You may choose to walk uphill if you would like to soak in the diverse beauty of the hilly ranges, an activity which takes anywhere between half an hour and two hours depending on how fit you are. Your walk will be interspersed with sightings of local traders looking to sell you their wares. It is a good place to get souvenirs too.

A trip to the Chocolate Hills makes for an exciting family getaway. If you are looking for decent accommodation, try the Banlasan Lodge nearby. The other option is to book a travel package that will allow you to choose where you would like to get accommodation, and for how long.

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